Get fees information

Get transaction fee information from blockchain.


If you wish to get estimate fee information for a transfer of the native token like ether, the parameters type, from, destination and amount should be passed as follows:

  • opts.type (string)(required) - type of the transaction. It should be TRANSFER in this case.

  • opts.from (string)(required) - origin or signing address.

  • opts.destination (string)(required) - destination address.

  • opts.protocol (string)(required) - blockchain protocol.

For smart contract method calls, just pass with the additional parameters:

  • opts.type (string)(required) - type of the transaction. It should be CALL_CONTRACT_METHOD in this case.

  • opts.from (string)(required) - origin or signing address.

  • opts.contractAddress (string)(required) - contract address.

  • opts.contractAbi (array)(required) - method ABI to be used.

  • opts.method (string)(required) - method name.

  • opts.params (array) - method parameters.

  • opts.protocol (string)(required) - blockchain protocol.

And for smart contract deployments:

  • opts.type (string)(required) - type of the transaction. It should be DEPLOY_CONTRACT in this case.

  • opts.from (string)(required) - origin or signing address.

  • opts.contractName (string)(required) - contract name.

  • opts.source (string)(required) - contract source code.

  • opts.params (array) - contract constructor parameters.

  • opts.protocol (string)(required) - blockchain protocol.

const fee = await sdk.transaction.getFee({
  type: 'TRANSFER',
  from: '0xaaaaaa',
  destination: '0xbbbbbbbb',
  protocol: 'POLYGON',
// Fee information object
// {
//   "chainId": 137,
//   "estimateValue": "0.000021",
//   "unit": "wei",
//   "gas": 21000,
//   "gasPrice": "1000000000"
// }

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