Hathor Tokens

Straight to the code!

Instantiate the Cryptum SDK first:

const sdk = new CryptumSdk({
  environment: 'testnet',
  apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY',

Create token

Create a new token in Hathor blockchain.

*Obs: In Hathor, you will always spend 1% of the amount of tokens you are minting in HTR, that is, to mint 1000 tokens you need to spend 10 HTR.


  • opts.protocol (string)(required) - blockchain protocol must be HATHOR.

  • opts.wallet (Wallet)(required) - wallet to sign the transaction with.

  • opts.name (string)(required) - token name.

  • opts.symbol (string)(required) - token symbol.

  • opts.amount (string)(required) - token amount to be first minted.

  • opts.mintAuthorityAddress (string)(optional) - wallet address to be the mint authority. Required if you want to mint more tokens later.

  • opts.meltAuthorityAddress (string)(optional) - wallet address to be the melt authority. Required if you want to burn tokens later.

This function returns the transaction hash which is also the token UID (token identifier).

const { hash } = await sdk.token.create({
  protocol: 'HATHOR',
  symbol: 'TEST',
  name: 'TEST',
  amount: '1000000',
  mintAuthorityAddress: 'address...',
  meltAuthorityAddress: 'address...',

Transfer tokens

Transfer tokens in Hathor blockchain.


  • opts.protocol (string)(required) - blockchain protocol must be HATHOR.

  • opts.wallet (Wallet)(required) - wallet to sign the transaction with.

  • opts.token (string)(required) - token UID to transfer or HTR if you're transferring the native token HTR.

  • opts.amount (string)(required) - token amount to be transferred.

  • opts.destination (string)(optional) - destination address.

This function returns the transaction hash.

const { hash } = await sdk.token.transfer({
  protocol: 'HATHOR',
  token: '00000957924c03a56e773a34...7d7a9f6aceb24efeff',
  destination: 'WmpvgigZ4p...sbK8pyV45WtP',
  amount: '0.1',

Mint tokens

Mint Hathor tokens.

*Obs: In Hathor, you will always spend 1% of the amount of tokens you are minting in HTR, that is, to mint 1000 tokens you need to spend 10 HTR.


  • opts.protocol (string)(required) - blockchain must be HATHOR.

  • opts.wallet (Wallet)(required) - wallet minting tokens.

  • opts.token (string)(required) - token identifier to be minted.

  • opts.amount (string)(required) - token amount to be minted.

  • opts.destination (string)(required) - destination wallet address to receive the minted tokens.

  • opts.mintAuthorityAddress (string)(optional) - wallet address to be the mint authority. Required if you want to mint more tokens later.

This function returns the hash of this minting transaction from the blockchain.

// Mint 100 tokens
const { hash } = await sdk.token.mint({
  protocol: 'HATHOR',
  token: '00000...',
  destination: 'WmpvgigZ4pNVLRPW2...sbK8pyV45WtP',
  amount: '100',
  mintAuthorityAddress: 'address...',

Burn tokens

Burn (melt) tokens in Hathor blockchain.


  • opts.protocol (string)(required) - blockchain must be HATHOR.

  • opts.wallet (Wallet)(required) - wallet to sign the transaction with.

  • opts.token (string)(required) - token identifier to be burnt.

  • opts.amount (string)(required) - token amount to be burnt.

  • opts.meltAuthorityAddress (string)(optional) - wallet address to be the melt authority. Required if you want to melt more tokens later.

This function returns hash of the burning transaction from the blockchain.

// burn 5 tokens
const { hash } = await sdk.token.burn({
  protocol: 'HATHOR',
  token: '000000...',
  amount: '5',
  meltAuthorityAddress: 'address...',

Create token with UTXOs


  • opts.type (TransactionType)(required) - transaction type. It must be "HATHOR_TOKEN_CREATION".

  • opts.inputs (array of Input)(required) - array of inputs to include in the transaction.

    • opts.inputs[].txHash (string) - transaction hash of the UTXO.

    • opts.inputs[].index (number) - index of the UTXO output.

    • opts.inputs[].privateKey (string) - input private key to sign the transaction with.

  • opts.tokenName (string)(required) - token name.

  • opts.tokenSymbol (string)(required) - token symbol.

  • opts.amount (string)(required) - token amount to be first minted.

  • opts.address (string)(required) - destination wallet address to receive the minted tokens.

  • opts.changeAddress (string)(required) - wallet address to receive the change in HTR if there's any.

  • opts.mintAuthorityAddress (string)(optional) - wallet address to be the mint authority. Required if you want to mint more tokens later.

  • opts.meltAuthorityAddress (string)(optional) - wallet address to be the melt authority. Required if you want to burn tokens later.

// Create token transaction, mint 100 tokens and do not want to mint or burn tokens later
const transaction = await sdk.transaction.createHathorTokenTransactionFromUTXO({
  type: TransactionType.HATHOR_TOKEN_CREATION,
  inputs: [
      txHash: 'cf4c5da8b45...3785df8687f55c337299cc38c',
      index: 0,
      privateKey: '696007545...ed03b2af3b900a678318160',
  tokenSymbol: 'TOK',
  tokenName: 'TOKEN',
  amount: '100',
  address: 'address-1',
  changeAddress: 'address-1',
// Create token transaction, mint 3000 tokens and want to mint or burn tokens later
const transaction = await sdk.transaction.createHathorTokenTransactionFromUTXO({
  type: TransactionType.HATHOR_TOKEN_CREATION,
  inputs: [
      txHash: 'cf4c5da8b45...3785df8687f55c337299cc38c',
      index: 0,
      privateKey: '696007545...ed03b2af3b900a678318160',
  tokenSymbol: 'TOK',
  tokenName: 'TOKEN',
  amount: '3000',
  address: 'address-1',
  changeAddress: 'address-1',
  mintAuthorityAddress: 'address-1',
  meltAuthorityAddress: 'address-2',
const { hash } = await sdk.transaction.sendTransaction(transaction)

Mint tokens with UTXOs


  • opts.type (TransactionType)(required) - transaction type. It must be "HATHOR_TOKEN_MINT".

  • opts.inputs (array of Input)(required) - array of inputs to include in the transaction.

    • opts.inputs[].txHash (string) - transaction hash of the UTXO.

    • opts.inputs[].index (number) - index of the UTXO output.

    • opts.inputs[].privateKey (string) - input private key to sign the transaction with.

  • opts.tokenUid (string)(required) - token uid.

  • opts.amount (string)(required) - token amount to be minted.

  • opts.address (string)(required) - destination wallet address to receive the minted tokens.

  • opts.changeAddress (string)(required) - wallet address to receive the change in HTR if there's any.

  • opts.mintAuthorityAddress (string)(optional) - wallet address to be the mint authority. Required if you want to mint more tokens later.

// Create token transaction to mint 100 tokens
const transaction = await sdk.transaction.createHathorTokenTransactionFromUTXO({
  type: TransactionType.HATHOR_TOKEN_MINT,
  inputs: [
      txHash: 'cf4c5da8b45...3785df8687f55c337299cc38c',
      index: 0,
      privateKey: '696007545...ed03b2af3b900a678318160',
  tokenUid: '0000...00000',
  amount: '100',
  address: 'address-1',
  changeAddress: 'address-1',
  mintAuthorityAddress: 'address-1',
const { hash } = await sdk.transaction.sendTransaction(transaction)

Burn tokens with UTXOs


  • opts.type (TransactionType)(required) - transaction type. It must be "HATHOR_TOKEN_MELT".

  • opts.inputs (array of Input)(required) - array of inputs to include in the transaction.

    • opts.inputs[].txHash (string) - transaction hash of the UTXO.

    • opts.inputs[].index (number) - index of the UTXO output.

    • opts.inputs[].privateKey (string) - input private key to sign the transaction with.

  • opts.tokenUid (string)(required) - token uid.

  • opts.amount (string)(required) - token amount to be minted.

  • opts.address (string)(required) - destination wallet address to receive the HTR tokens.

  • opts.changeAddress (string)(required) - wallet address to receive the change in custom token if there's any.

  • opts.meltAuthorityAddress (string)(optional) - wallet address to be the melt authority. Required if you want to melt more tokens later.

// Create token transaction to melt 100 tokens
const transaction = await sdk.transaction.createHathorTokenTransactionFromUTXO({
  type: TransactionType.HATHOR_TOKEN_MELT,
  inputs: [
      txHash: 'cf4c5da8b45...3785df8687f55c337299cc38c',
      index: 0,
      privateKey: '696007545...ed03b2af3b900a678318160',
  tokenUid: '0000...00000',
  amount: '100',
  address: 'address-1',
  changeAddress: 'address-1',
  meltAuthorityAddress: 'address-1',
const { hash } = await sdk.transaction.sendTransaction(transaction)

Creating new Token

Step 1

The first prerequisite you will need is the creation of an account and a Project (API Key) on Cryptum Dashboard.

Step 2

Supposing you already installed our SDK available on GitHub here, all we need to do is to instantiate it like this:

const CryptumSdk = require('cryptum-sdk')

const sdk = new CryptumSdk({
  environment: 'testnet',  // 'testnet', 'mainnet'
  apiKey: "YOUR-API-KEY-HERE",

Step 3

Then you must instantiate the wallet that will be used to create the tokens:

const wallet = await sdk.wallet.generateWallet({
    protocol: 'HATHOR',
    mnemonic: 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing ....'

Make sure the wallet has sufficient funds to pay for the transactions.

Step 4

The fourth step consists of creating the token passing the wallet variable you just created alongside some other arguments:

const { hash } = await sdk.token.create({
    protocol: 'HATHOR',
    symbol: 'TEST',
    name: 'TEST',
    amount: '1000000',
    mintAuthorityAddress: 'ADDRESS', // optional
    meltAuthorityAddress: 'ADDRESS', // optional

wallet will receive the newly minted tokens; name is the token name; symbol is the token symbol; amount is the amount to be first minted. All tokens in Hathor always have 2 decimals; mintAuthorityAddress is a wallet address that has the power to mint more tokens. If it's null then this token can no longer be minted; meltAuthorityAddress is a wallet address that has the power to burn tokens. If it's null then this token can no longer be minted;

The hash is the transaction hash which is also the token address.

In Hathor, you will always spend 1% of the amount of tokens you are minting in HTR, that is, for example to mint 1000 tokens you need to spend 10 HTR. If you try to mint an amount of less than 100 tokens, it's still necessary to spend 1 HTR.

Transfer tokens

Transfer any tokens and also the native token HTR.

const { hash } = await sdk.token.transfer({
    protocol: 'HATHOR',
    token: 'HTR',
    destination: 'Wmpvgig.....K8pyV45WtP',
    amount: '0.17'

token is the token address or HTR; destination is the destination address; amount is the amount to be transferred;

Mint tokens

Mint an existing token in Hathor blockchain.

Keep in mind that you need enough HTR tokens to pay for this transaction depending on the minting amount, as already explained above.

Only the minting authority can mint more tokens. It is required to pass the minting authority every time this function is called to keep on minting more tokens.

// Mint 100 tokens
const { hash } = await sdk.token.mint({
  protocol: 'HATHOR',
  token: '00000...',
  destination: 'WmpvgigZ4pNVLRPW2...sbK8pyV45WtP',
  amount: '100',
  mintAuthorityAddress: 'address...',

Burn tokens

Burn (melt) existing tokens in Hathor blockchain.

Only the melt authority can burn more tokens. It is required to pass the melt authority every time this function is called to keep on burning more tokens.

// burn 5 tokens
const { hash } = await sdk.token.burn({
  protocol: 'HATHOR',
  token: '000000...',
  amount: '5',
  meltAuthorityAddress: 'address...',

If you want to check the full Hathor Network tokens doc, go to:

Last updated