Deploy custom Smart Contracts

EVM Based Protocols (Ethereum-virtual-machine)

const sdk = new CryptumSdk({
  environment: 'testnet',
  apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY'

Call smart contract method


Call a method of a smart contract and receive its value without creating a transaction in the blockchain.

  • opts.contractAddress (string) (required) - contract address of the smart contract.

  • opts.contractAbi (array) (required) - json interface of the method (for more info on contract ABI).

  • opts.method (string) (required) - smart contract method.

  • opts.params (array) - parameters to be passed to the method.

  • opts.protocol (string) (required) - EVMs only.

const { result } = await sdk.contract.callMethod({
  contractAddress: '0x2B751008...6a763e72788Db9Ca',
  contractAbi: [
      constant: true,
      inputs: [],
      name: 'message',
      outputs: [
          internalType: 'string',
          name: '',
          type: 'string',
      payable: false,
      stateMutability: 'view',
      type: 'function',
  method: 'message',
  params: [],
  protocol: 'CELO'
// Result value from smart contract method

Create smart contract call transaction


Call a method of a smart contract that will generate a transaction in the blockchain.

  • opts.wallet (Wallet) (required) - wallet calling the smart contract and signing this transaction.

  • opts.contractAddress (string) (required) - contract address of the smart contract.

  • opts.contractAbi (array) (required) - json interface of the method (for more info on contract ABI).

  • opts.method (string) (required) - smart contract method.

  • opts.params (array) - parameters to be passed to the method.

  • opts.protocol (string) (required) - EVMs only.

const { hash } = await sdk.contract.callMethodTransaction({
  contractAddress: '0x3f2f3D45196...8f530165eCb93e772',
  contractAbi: [
      constant: false,
      inputs: [
        { name: 'param1', type: 'string' },
        { name: 'param2', type: 'uint256' },
        { name: 'param3', type: 'uint256' },
      name: 'executeMethodName',
      outputs: [{ name: '', type: 'bool' }],
      payable: false,
      stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
      type: 'function',
  method: 'executeMethodName',
  params: ['param1', 2, 3],
  protocol: 'BSC'

Deploy a smart contract


Deploy a smart contract source code written in Solidity to the blockchain.

  • opts.wallet (Wallet) (required) - wallet deploying the smart contract.

  • opts.contractName (string) (required) - main contract name. There could be many contracts in the source code, but you must specify which one is the main one to initialize it after deployment.

  • opts.params (array) (required) - parameters to be passed to the constructor of the main contract.

  • opts.source (string) (required) - source code of the contract encoded in UTF-8.

  • opts.protocol (string) (required) - EVMs only.

const { hash } = await sdk.contract.deploy({
  contractName: 'HelloWorld',
  params: ['hello'],
  source: fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/contracts/HelloWorld.sol`, { encoding: 'utf8' }),
  protocol: 'POLYGON'

Last updated