
In this guide, we'll teach you how to create a blockchain wallet for any protocol, integrated into your solution.

Straight to the code!

const sdk = new CryptumSdk({
  environment: 'testnet',
  apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY'


Generate a wallet for a blockchain protocol:

  • opts.protocol (string) (required) - blockchain protocol supported: BITCOIN, ETHEREUM, BSC, CELO, STELLAR, RIPPLE, HATHOR, CARDANO, AVAXCCHAIN, SOLANA.

  • opts.mnemonic (string) (optional) - mnemonic string to generate private and public keys.

  • opts.derivation (object) (optional) - derivation object (BIP44 derivation path).

  • opts.derivation.account (number) (optional) - derivation account index.

  • opts.derivation.change (number) (optional) - derivation change index.

  • opts.derivation.address (number) (optional) - derivation address index.


// generate random wallet for blockchain protocol
const wallet = await sdk.wallet.generateWallet({ protocol: 'STELLAR' })

// or using an existing mnemonic
const wallet = await sdk.wallet.generateWallet({
  protocol: 'ETHEREUM',
  mnemonic: '<words>...',
  derivation: { account: 10, address: 2 }
// Wallet {
//   privateKey: '...',
//   publicKey: '...',
//   xpub: '...',
//   protocol: 'ETHEREUM',
// }

The mnemonic is optional, and automatically generated at random when generating a wallet. If necessary, you can insert your own mnemonic.


Generate random mnemonic (words) to generate wallets.

  • strength (number)(optional) - strength number.

const mnemonic = sdk.wallet.generateRandomMnemonic()
// "window license ordinary apple toilet wrestle disease sudden until armor wealth room..."


Generate a wallet for a blockchain protocol:

  • opts.protocol (string) (required) - blockchain protocol supported: BITCOIN, ETHEREUM, BSC, CELO, STELLAR, RIPPLE, HATHOR, CARDANO, AVAXCCHAIN,SOLANA.

  • opts.privateKey (required)

    • (string) - most protocols (BITCOIN, ETHEREUM, BSC, CELO, STELLAR, RIPPLE, HATHOR, AVAXCCHAIN,SOLANA) require a private key string.

    • (object) - the CARDANO protocol requires an object containing two different private keys

      • opts.privateKey.spendingPrivateKey (string) - private key used for spending operations

      • opts.privateKey.stakingPrivateKey (string) - private key used for staking operations


// using an existing private key
const wallet = await sdk.wallet.generateWalletFromPrivateKey({
  privateKey: '0x...',
  protocol: 'BSC',

// for the cardano network
const cardanoWallet = await sdk.wallet.generateWalletFromPrivateKey({
  privateKey: {
    spendingPrivateKey: '0x...',
    stakingPrivateKey: '0x...',
  protocol: 'CARDANO',


Generate a wallet address from xpub for a blockchain protocol:

  • opts.protocol (string) (required) - blockchain protocol supported: BITCOIN, ETHEREUM, BSC, CELO, HATHOR, CARDANO,AVAXCCHAIN.

  • opts.xpub (string) (required) - xpub string.

  • opts.address (number) (required) - address index.


const walletAddress = await sdk.wallet.generateWalletAddressFromXpub({
  xpub: 'xpub...',
  protocol: 'BSC',
  address: 0

What do you need a wallet for?

In a "for dummies" explanation, wallets are a prerequisite for interacting with the blockchain - whether sending values, creating NFTs, currencies or even interacting with blockchain "programs". Making a comparison with Web 2.0, it's like your login/password to perform actions.

Do not to confuse the creation of Cryptum wallets with existing wallets on the market, such as MetaMask, Phantom, TrustWallet and others. Cryptum allows the creation of the address and the private key without the need to create one of these wallets - however, you can use that same wallet created by importing the information into your preferred wallet.

And how do you apply wallets to your business?

You probably have a userbase and/or companies that will need to interact with the blockchain features, like described above.

Let's use a common example where "new users of an app need to have a wallet to receive and transfer tokens". When an approval or registration event happens in the back-end of your application, Cryptum must be called to create a wallet for this new user - 1 or N wallets. The wallet will be created, the private key will be sent to your application and the management will be done by you or your end user.

Business definitions must be created by you - Cryptum is fully prepared to generate the wallets and private keys.

As previously informed, Cryptum doesn't keep and doesn't have access to any generated Private Key. Cryptum also does not advise clients to keep end users' keys.

Integrating Wallets creation with Cryptum SDK

Step 1

The first prerequisite you will need is the creation of an account and a Project (API Key) on Cryptum Dashboard.

To do so, access our Dashboard and create a DEV-type Project.

Step 2

With a valid Cryptum API Key, you can then instantiate the SDK as follows:

const CryptumSdk = require('cryptum-sdk')

const sdk = new CryptumSdk({
  environment: 'testnet',  // 'testnet', 'mainnet'
  apiKey: "YOUR-API-KEY-HERE",

Step 3

Then you call the generateWallet() function passing the protocol you want:

const wallet = await sdk.wallet.generateWallet({ protocol: 'ETHEREUM' })


The function will return the newly created wallet:

Wallet {
  protocol: 'ETHEREUM',
  privateKey: '0xfb2faa54a3e9c2a285f350bbe38c4e4a630.......',
  publicKey: '0x94c778b620e0467839931e611d5ff6071952.......',
  address: '0xd09cb824b21e25370ceb930c9df7cc4e79bb6e20',
  xpub: 'xpub6DkhmSGmsjNrBSM2du8BQsGmnGjfZQDk4JAc3WD.......',
  testnet: true

Step 4

Wallet function can receive other parameters:

const wallet = await sdk.wallet.generateWallet({
  protocol: 'ETHEREUM',
  mnemonic: 'hurdle local pear demand practice midnight coast ...',
  derivation: { account: 0, address: 0 }  // optional

If you want to check the full wallet doc, go to:

Last updated